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Protect and enhance the market for utility-scale wind

  • Explore and develop new procurement opportunities for utility-scale wind energy 

  • Build support (political and technical) for including regional wind procurement as an anchor component of California’s 2030 portfolio.

  • Work to implement California's 60% Renewables Portfolio Standard and 100% Clean Energy target.

  • Ensure that utility-scale wind is recognized as a key  low-cost-strategy to reducing California’s greenhouse gas emissions and improving air quality, particularly in disadvantaged communities.

  • Communicate the efficiency, economic, and environmental benefits of repowering existing wind facilities.

  • Address the key barriers to development and procurement of wind energy, such as in-state siting and transmission constraints.

  • Develop a significant and sustained market for offshore wind energy.

Ensure that long-term planning processes lead to a clean, affordable, and resilient grid

  • Advocate for key inputs, assumptions, and principles for long-term planning processes to support a balanced portfolio that optimizes the procurement of utility-scale wind.

  • Ensure that existing and planned transmission facilitates delivery of low-cost regional wind to California.

Improve regional coordination on renewable energy development

  • Emphasize the environmental, economic, and regional benefits of a geographically diverse renewable energy generation portfolio.

  • Study and communicate the benefits of integrated regional markets.

  • Suggest and support enhancements to the Energy Imbalance Market (EIM) and regional transmission planning.

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